Series-2 (March-April 2019)March-April 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: This study explores the relationship between two elementary sources of capital that is foreign direct investment and stock market development. Using data from five developing economies, the study uses panel data approach to explore bidirectional interrelationship of the two capital sources. Results confirm the importance and feedback of two variables for each other. The results have policy implications for economies.
Keywords: FDI, SMD, Developing economies, economic growth
[1]. Adam, A. and G. Tweneboah (2008). "Foreign Direct Investment and Stock Market Development: Ghana's Evidence." International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 26: 178-185.
[2]. Agarwal, S. (2001). "Stock Market Development and Economic Growth: Preliminary Evidence from African Countries." Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa.
[3]. Akinlo, A. E. (2004). "Foreign direct investment and growth in Nigeria:: An empirical investigation." Journal of Policy Modeling 26(5): 627-639.
[4]. Al Nasser, O. and X. Garza (2009). "Do Well-Functioning Financial Systems Affect the FDI Flows to Latin America." International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 29: 60-75.
[5]. Alfaro, L., A. Chanda, et al. (2003). FDI Spillovers, Financial Markets, and Economic Development..
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Abstract: This study aims at investigating the relationship between gross domestic product and worker's remittance in the context of Bangladesh. A time series analysis, covering the data of 1987-2018, confirms that the data are stationary at their first difference form by ADF and PP test and cointegrated by Johansen procedure. The normalized Cointegration coefficients are showing stable and positive relation between gross domestic product and remittance and negative relationship between inflation and GDP. Results from VECM suggest that equilibrium will be restored by 43% in each period. Granger causality test substantiate that there exists bidirectional causality. Variance decomposition also supports the results of VECM. This study suggests that policy makers should take appropriate steps to increase worker's remittances to achieve the long run economic growth..
Keywords: Remittance, Gross Domestic Product, Co-integration, VECM, Granger Causality, Variance Decomposition, Bangladesh
[1]. Abu Siddique, E. A., Selvanathan&SarojaSelvanathan., (2012). "Remittances and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka", The Journal of Development Studies, 48(8), 1045-1062.
[2]. Bangladesh Bank, (2014).Quarterly Report on Remittance Earnings October-December 2014. Bangladesh Bank, Research Department, External Economics Division.
[3]. Bangladesh Bank, (2015). Various Issues, The Central Bank of Bangladesh, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka. Retrieved from (Accessed on 04-02-2015).
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[5]. Bayes, A., Hossain, M., & Rahman, M. (2015). Remittances & poverty alleviation. The Financial Express. Garip, F. (2010). Do Migrant Remittances Lead to Inequality. Harvard: Harvard University
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Abstract: The direction of this research is information about economic growth and also to find out how much the realization of the value of foreign investment, domestic investment and the workforce towards economic growth in East Kalimantan. To prove it the analytical tool used in this study is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. While to test the relationship between these variables is to use the t test The results obtained that FDI has not given a significant influence on the Economic Growth of East Kalimantan. Furthermore, domestic investment has a significant influence on the economic growth of East Kalimantan and the workforce has a significant influence on the economic growth of East Kalimantan..
Keywords: Realization of Value of Foreign Investment, Domestic Investment, Labor force, Economic Growth.
[1]. BPS-Statistics of Kalimantan Timur Province, East Kalimantan in a number 2015 (BPS-Statistics of Kalimantan Timur Province)
[2]. Wihda, Bambang Muqsyithu and Poerwono, Dwisetia, Analysis Of The Effect Of State Capital Investment (PMDN), Foreign Capital Investment (PMA), Government Expenditure And Labor On Economic Growth In Yogyakarta (1996 - 2012), Diponogoro Journal Of Economics, 3 (1), 2014, 1..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Comparative Analysis of NPA between SBI and ICICI Bank |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Irfan Ahmad || Nisha Khan |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1002021722 ![]() |
Abstract: As banking sector is the prominent sector of Indian economy and plays an important role for developing economy by providing loan and advances to different sectors. In India both of the public and private sector banks provides loan to agricultural, industrial, service sector and among those SBI is top most public sector banks whereas ICICI Bank is top most private sector bank deals with all banking function. But today's Indian banking sector faces a serious hurdle in their growth i.e. an increasing trend of Non Performing Assets (NPA). So, the main aim of the study is to find out the trend of Gross and Net NPA between SBI and ICICI Bank along with finding out is there is any significant difference.......
Keywords: NPA; SBI; ICICI Bank; Independent Sample t- test.
[1]. Aggarwal, N., & Malik, P. (2016). A comparative study of Non performing assets in public sector and personal sector banks. International Journal of Informative and Futuristic Research, 3(10), 3636-3645.
[2]. Ahamed, K.S.A., & Panwar, V. (2016). A Comparative Study of NON-PERFORMING ASSETS ( NPA ) in Private Sector Banks and Public Sector Banks in India. International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management , 5(6), 26–33.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Construction Industry in Morocco : An economicanalysis |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Dr. Ettoumi Youssef |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1002022325 ![]() |
Abstract: Construction industryis a very profitable business in developed countries as well as in the developing and emergingones: In fact, construction is one of the largest industries in terms of investment, employment and the contribution to the GDP. In Morocco, the economy depends greatly on the construction industry: approximately 55.000 operating firms, 1 million jobs, 6.5 percent of the GDP and 80 percent of public commands are dedicated to thatindustry. In this article, weaimedatsheding light on the specificities of this industry by focusing on its contribution to the Moroccaneconomy as well as on the difficulties and challenges faced by construction firms. In order to do so, were viewed some empirical.........
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Abstract: International economic integration puts a country's fortunes partly into the hands of others. When integration takes the form of financial interdependence, the potential domestic impact of external events is magnified manifold. The global economic crisis of 2006–2008 and the European sovereign debt crisis that followed have unleashed market forces that even policymakers in the mature economies were ill prepared to counteract. The existing informational and institutional structure for global policymaking remains woefully inadequate to the challenge of financial globalization.
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the influence of community participation and the influence of the performance of village officials on the effectiveness of the use of village funds in Buleleng Regency, that the fact that the collaboration between community participation is supported by the performance of village officials in the administration of village government is good enough. The village government always prioritizes deliberation and provides information to the community, so the program can be implemented properly. The program for utilizing village funds, for example in terms of services to the community, office administration, development, government and village development as well as in the welfare of village communities. Collaboration from the village apparatus.
Keywords: effectiveness, participation, performance, village apparatus, village funds
[1]. D. N. Isti, O. Komar, N. Heryanto, Community Perception and Participation on The Use of Village Funds for Community Empowerment in Kertajaya Village, Padalarang District, Bandung Barat Regency, Jurnal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah, Vol.1, No.1, 2017.
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the form of women's empowerment towards the quality of life in the coastal area and analyze the empowerment of women towards the quality of life in the coastal area of Labuhan Badas District, Sumbawa Regency. It can be concluded as a result that the participation of women of Sumbawa Regency in accordance with the "tau samawa" (Sumbawanese) being a culture of "tau samawa" and one of the foundations that can shape the soul and empower women in Sumbawa Regency philosophically "giving each other mutual cooperation". Hoping that it has become a culture of the Sumbawa community in empowering the community by instilling a sense of mutual cooperation, mutual cooperation, supporting each other and supporting all activities that can encourage community improvement through training activities. The government in empowering women starting from........
Keywords: quality of life, sumbawanese, "tau samawa", women empowerment
[1]. T. Indrasari, Identifying Women's Issues, Journal Analisis Sosial, AKATIGA, 4, November 1996.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Conversion as a Strategic Decision PT. Bank Aceh |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Deddy Nofendy || Amiur Nuruddin || Andri Soemitra |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1002024448 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to analyze conversion strategies carried out by PT. Bank Aceh, the reason why the management of PT. Bank Aceh did the conversion and how it was converted, in this study using descriptive qualitative analysis that related to the reason for conversion. Based on the results of this study, stated that the management of PT. Bank Aceh not using spin-off conversion because consider that more effective and efficient if capital is converted; because Aceh Province is the majority of Muslims and its regional government is Islam with the issuance of Qanun that all economic......
Keywords - Conversion, Spin-off, Qanun, PT. Bank Aceh
[1]. Yuli Andriansyah, Kinerja Keuangan Perbankan Syariah Di Indonesia Dan Kontribusi Bagi Pembangunan Nasional.(Engl: Financial Performance of Islamic Banking in Indonesia and Contributions to National Development), La Riba Journal of Islamic Economics Volume III, Number 2 December 2015
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[4]. Aji Damanuri. Rasionalitas Konversi Bank Konvensional Ke Bank Syariah (Engl: Rationality of Conventional Bank Conversions to Islamic Banks). Justica Islamica Volume 9 Number 1. 2012.
[5]. Ahmad Nur Faqihuddin. Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Bank Umum Syariah Dan Konvensional Yang Memiliki Unit Usaha Syariah (Engl: Analysis of Financial Performance Sharia General Bank and Conventional Commercial Banks Which has Sharia Business Units). UIN Sunan Kalijaga. 2011.
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Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to know the effectiveness of New Companies Act, 2013 with respect to CSR and examine its impact on financial performance of selected 10 Indian companies which was measured by financial ratios such as Profit before tax, Return on capital employed, Return on Equity and Return on Asset. The study is purely based on secondary sources collected from Companies Annual Report and Sustainability Report for four years 2014-17. The result shows that in an average all companies are contributing 2% towards CSR activities which was an prescribe percentage as per New Companies Act, 2013 under Section 135, in which Ambuja Cement is contributing more towards CSR activities.......
Keywords - Corporate social responsibility (CSR), Financial Performance, Sustainability report, Profit Before Tax (PBT), Return on Capital Employed (ROC), Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Asset (ROA)
[1]. Aarti Sharma, B. V. (2016). An Analytical study on CSR Expenditure of BSE ListedCompanies in India. International Journal of Human Resource & Industrial Research, 3(5), 64-78.
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[5]. Bafna, A. (2017). A Study on the Impact of CSR on Financial Performance of Companies in India. International Journal of Engineering Technology, Science and Research, 4 (12).
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Abstract: Choice of housing quality by the rural poor does not appear to be a well-researched topic in development economics in spite of its possible role in influencing health outcomes and social acceptance in society (e.g., the capability to function in society). Because housing services are composite durable goods, the dimensions along which one may measure quality is diverse; common demarcations include the material utilised to build the walls, roof, floor, quality of sanitation etc. In this study, we use primary Bangladesh survey data of rural households collected by the Institute of Microfinance (InM)1, Dhaka, recently re-named, Institute for Inclusive Finance & Development. Over and above exploring the qualitative aspects of the data, we estimate multi-nominal logit model to capture the determinants..............
Keywords - borrowing, housing quality, income, the floor, the wall.
[1]. Ahmad, S., (2012). "Demand for Housing in Urban Bangladesh‟‟ paper was presented on 48th ISOCARP Congress, Perm, Russia, 10-13 September 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Does ESOP Improve the Productivity and Firm's Performance? |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Yuyun Isbanah |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1002026672 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to test the effect of Employee Stock Ownership Programs (ESOP)on firm performance by using productivity as a mediating variable on non financial company in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. A company that applies ESOP is used as a sample in this study. In this study the firm performance is measured by using return on assets, return on equity and Tobin's Q, while the productivity is measured by using sales per employee indicators, sales per employee, cash flow per employee, and total assets turnover. Partial Least Square (PLS) was used as the analysis........
Keywords - Employee Stock Ownership Programs, Performance, and Productivity
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Government Revenue and Budget Implementation in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | F.O. OlaoyePh.D || OniMedinat Sade |
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: | 10.9790/5933-1002027380 ![]() |
Abstract: The study examined the relationship between government revenues and budget implementation in Nigeria for a period of twenty years (20 years) spanning from 1997-2016. Specifically, it examined the short-run and long run effect of both oil and non-oil revenues on budget implementation in Nigeria also established the direction of relationship between these sources of revenue and budget implementation in Nigeria. Time series data used for the study were collected from Central Bank of Nigeria, (CBN) Statistical Bulletins of various years and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) Bulletins. Error correction model was adopted for the estimation of the parameters in the.........
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[4]. Emelogu, C.O. &Uche, M.O. (2010). An examination of the relationship between government revenue and government expenditure in Nigeria: Co-integration and causality approach. Central Bank of Nigeria Economic and Financial Review, 48(2), 35-57.
[5]. Nwosu, D. C. &Okafor, H. O. (2014). Government revenue and expenditure in Nigeria: Disaggregated Analysis. Asian Economic and Financial Review, 4(7): 877-892..